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aliciaYou are probably puzzled by the title of this post. You might be thinking, the mere fact that people are searching for best hookup site like Hookuponline is all the proof you will ever need that such a website exists. Sadly, if that’s how you choose to approach the search phrases you use on search engines to find websites, you might just be setting yourself up for disappointment. You see, the phrase ‘the best’ is one of the most difficult phrases in all of the English language. Serious talk, folks. Why? It is so slippery.

What is ‘best’ for one person might be a flat out horrible recommendation for another person. This should not be a surprise because the person recommending the ‘best’ site may have a set of circumstances and are working with a set of assumptions and expectations that the other person doesn’t have. See how this works? See how it falls apart?

You should do yourself a favor and look for online pussy in a more realistic way. Promoters are all too willing, ready, and eager to exploit your need to search for the ‘best’ sites and use SEO to capture that phrase. They can dominate that phrase on search engines to promote a website that you would not find ‘the best.’ In fact, chances are quite good you’d find their recommendation to be flat out wrong or even objectionable.

Don’t allow yourself to be manipulated. Cut out all the possibility of that happening by being more descriptive and using a more objective standard. Look for things like localization, ratio of men and women, and other factors. These are more objective and have a higher chance of getting you what you are looking for. At the very least, they minimize the chances that you will, at the end of the search and site testing process, feel cheated or disappointed.

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